Thursday, March 3, 2011

Looking for Alibrandi - Chapter 25-26

Plot summary

Josie found out that Nonna had an affair with Marcus Sandford and she was really angry at her Nonna but then she realised that everyone's not perfect, so she went back to her Nonna and tried to figure ut the whole story.

Challenges faced by the Character(s)/information revealed about character(s)

Josie couldn't believe that her Nonna had an affair because her Nonna is really strict with these things and her Nonna was like a saint.

Important Quotations

"You are a liar,'I whispered hoarsely.'All our lives you;ve told us what to do, when to do it. You trained us to be respectful so people would think we were perfect and nobody would comment about what Mama did." (pg 216)
"But then today when everyone was joking about Mama being conceived on New Year's Day, I thought it was impossible. How could Mama possibly be conceived on New Year's Day." (pg 217)
"I was shouting and she was crying, but I was too shocked to care. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe grandfather had come home for a weekend during that time." (pg 217)
"Katia Alibrandi, Christina Alibrandi, Josephine Alibrandi. Our whole lives, just like our names, are lies." (pg 219)
"I hugged her hard and cried my guts out. More than I've ever cried in my whole life because I had never thought her capable of dreaming like me." (pg 222)

Personal Response

I think that her Nonna did the wrong thing because she should of left Nonno and went with Marcus, but because of her background she couldn't in case everyone was talking about her and she didn't want her family to feel ashamed of her.

Definition of 3 difficult words encountered

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