Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Looking for Alibrandi - Chapter 22-24

Plot summary

In these three chapters, Josie was with her mum, nonna and Jacob. She was trying to make her relationship with them stronger. But even if she does, there are some things that she doesn't want to tell them, like when Josie and Jacob were out and they were close to Nonna's house she wouldn't let Jacob meet her, which made Jacob think that he's not good enough to meet Josie's Nonna.

Challenges faced by the Character(s)/information revealed about character(s)

Important Quotations

"He's not talking to me at the moment, by the way. Ever since I had to get him to sign the walk-a-thon sheet he's gone on and on about it. He reckons he's disgusted with me." (pg194)
"You are the only person who really loved me properly. Everyone else I've ever loved has hurt me. Michael Andretti broke my trust. My mother has always held back and my father never loved me in the first place. But you have never left my side and the disrespect you've shown me has been the disrespect any child shows her parent." (pg 197)
"I guess it's the photos that I'm really drawn to. Mama always says that if we ever had a fire the first things she'd grab would be me and out photo albums. Because photos are a testimony that someone did live. A reminder of a past we may have loved or hated. A piece of our lives." (pg 199)
"Oh no you cold not be friends with Australian men. Not even Italian men. Women were friends with women,' she said with a definite nod of her head." (pg 200)
"So one day I can tell my children. And so that one day, my granddaughter can try to understand me, like I'm trying to understand Nonna." (pg 202)
"You're different. You come across all tough and fearless while deep down you're a softy. She comes across a softy, whereas deep down she's tough and fearless. I mean a lot of single parents botch up and she didn't. In fact she did a great job." (pg 205)
"You know something? I had no hassles in my life before I met you. Now everywhere I turn I face a brick wall. I'm always giving you time. I can't sleep with you because you need time. I can't meet your grandmother because you need time. What the fuck are you waiting for?" (pg 206)
"You live with such freedom, Jacob. You live without religion and culture. All you have to do is abide by the law." (pg 206)
"Forget it Josephine. We'll both be happier. I can associate with my kind and you won't have to put up with some cultureless Aussie with no heat and soul." (pg 208)
"Naw, Jacob is different to others. He's aware of more around him. Of what he can and can't do." (pg209)
"He was a loving person. His need to touch my face or hair made me feel closer to him than if we were making love." (pg210)

Personal Response

I think that Josie should try and break away from her Nonna's rules and that she should think more of herself as a Australian.

Definition of 3 difficult words encountered

decadence - moral degeneration or decay
nostalgia - a wistful desire to return in thought or fact to a former time in one's life.

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