Thursday, February 17, 2011

Looking for Alibrandi - Chapter 13

Plot summary

Josie and Jacob had a ten minute date at the movies and it didn't turn out as it was imagined and Josie was stolling the streets at night. While Josie was walking Michael was in the car following her and Michael took her to get pizza and Josie told him the whole story. They were getting along with each other.

Challenges faced by the Character(s)/information revealed about character(s)

Christina didn't like Jacob and how he was dressed and this got onto Josie's nerves and she threw a tantrum at Jacob and this was at the start of their very first date.

Important Quotations

"Every day, every minute and every hour. What is it, by the way, that fascinated you people so much with black? she asked." (pg 119)
"He, instead, wore the oldest jeans I have ever seen and his jumper had holes at the sleeves." (pg 120)
"He also hadn't shaved for days. No trendy designer stubble though. Just this 'hood' look" (pg 120)
"He grunted at me, Josie. I felt as if I was conversing with a pig." (pg 121)
"When we forgot the fact that biologically he was my father, we could be friends." (pg 126)

Personal Response

I think that Jacob could of been a bit careless, beacuse Josie wanted him to give a good reputation to her mum so that she could go out with him, but this became a who new thing that Christina would be worried about.

Definition of 3 difficult words encountered

ethnic - referring to the origin, classification, characteristics
obnoxious - highly objectionable or offensive
sullen - showing irritation or ill humor